How can we together develop Collective Intelligence?

As individuals, organisations and companies, we are faced with unprecedented challenges. Their complexity is exposing the limits of individual intelligence and the ways in which experts and managers work, as well as the dangers of overly-mechanical visions of change management. In our so-called knowledge society, the capacity to innovate, create, decide and act together is becoming evermore essential.
New approaches are emerging which enable us to share more fruitful know-how, experiences and ideas, to reconnect with a sense of community, and to generate an active movement towards a more sustainable, more human and wiser future. It is time for what is known as “collective intelligence”. Its development is crucial for our future and evolution.
The mission of the European Centre for Collective Intelligence (EC4CI in short) is to contribute to the development of collective intelligence and wisdom in organisations (companies, public and private institutions, associations and networks) and civil society.
This non-profit association aims to promote interest in collective intelligence, the growth of knowledge and research, and the spread of the most promising practices – in the area of dialogue, large groups, participative steps and democracy, new technologies, web 2.0 etc. – as well as the development of competencies related to this area. EC4CI supports those who wish to make their organisation or sector aware of the potential of collective intelligence.
EC4CI also acts as an advisory service to decision-makers who wish to explore and maximise collective intelligence in their projects dedicated to innovation and transformation, with a view to contributing towards a common sustainable and equitable future
The first concrete outputs of EC4CI are starting to appear and are grouped in our three priority development directions:
- to stimulate multi-actor generative dialogue around collective intelligence;
- to support, by means of collective intelligence approaches, projects which contribute to a sustainable future for us all;
- to assemble and share information sources on collective intelligence and its players.
How can we together develop collective intelligence?
To support or join our initiative, to propose a joint cooperation or partnership, or to obtain more information on our activities, contact us.